Because of colonisation, many Indigenous Peoples face issues of discovering who they are, in terms of identity. Sometimes, this is as a result of education or religion.
Sometimes we question our own indigeneity, and perhaps, in some cases, there are reasons for this.
Each of us has a different past, a different coming together of events, that has led to who we are, and where we come from.
Cultural Survivals Avexnim Cojti spoke to Cathy Fournier, from the University of Torronto, in Canada.
UN Special Rapporteur Vicky Tauli Corpuz discusses the international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is being negotiated by Canada,The United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. She confirms that Indigenous Peoples must be consulted before these deals are negotiated.
UN Special Rapporteur Vicky Tauli Corpuz discusses the international trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership which is being negotiated by Canada,The United States, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. She discusses why governments are pushing for it, and its implications for Indigenous Peoples.