Mary Harm, a young Chinese Fijian woman, believes that young people's voices need to be heard loud and clear. She thinks that we should focus on amplifying the stories and experiences of Indigenous youth, especially when it comes to the impact of climate change on their lives and communities. By sharing their narratives in new and innovative ways, we can raise awareness and inspire action. Ultimately, this will lead to a more sustainable future for everyone.
Produced by Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
Interviewee: Mary Harm(Fijian)
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2017, 16th Session
Week 1
Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Kumar/Sunuwar) asks Joan Carling, longtime advocate for Indigenous rights and former expert member to the UNPFII, how she assesses the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Asia.
"Remember Your Children," by Salidummay
Music from a seashell, recorded at the opening ceremony of the 16th UNPFII