2067 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge
(617) 441-5400

SDG 3 Ensure Healthy Lives In Afrikaans

The Sustainable Development Goals or SDG’s for short, consist of 17 interdependent goals that were put in place by the United Nations.
Each goal has a separate list of targets to achieve. 
The objective of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure that the planet is protected, and that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan)
Indigenous Rights Radio Intro track features "Burn your Village to the Ground" by @a-tribe-called-red. Used with permission.
Music: Anania2 by The Baba Project. Used with permission.
Image: NcaoKhoe boys in Botswana. Photo by Shaldon Ferris

Voice: Morisca Christians


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