Muchos sucesos y situaciones que involucran a los Pueblos Indígenas están pasando alrededor del mundo. ¿Sabe cuáles son?
Como parte del derecho a la información, Cultural Survival le presenta este noticiero del mes de enero de 2024 con notas relevantes de Norte, Centro y Sur América, África y Asia, el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Música de introducción:
- “Burn Your Village to the Ground” de The Halluci Nation. Derechos de autor, propiedad de The Halluci Nation. Usada bajo su permiso.
En el sureste de México, en el corazón de la selva maya, entre cantos de aves y el sonido de árboles acariciados por el viento, pervive la historia y la esencia de Ixchel, diosa maya de las mujeres, de la fertilidad, de la partería y de la medicina tradicional. Acompáñanos hasta este territorio para presenciar una ceremonia de entrega de bastones de mando a parteras tradicionales Indígenas, un evento impulsado por la “Comunidad de Casas de Medicina Tradicional y Partería Indígena en México” y que pudimos grabar desde Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival.
En esta producción, Griselda Sánchez Miguel, artista sonora ñuu savi, periodista y productora radiofónica independiente, nos invita a dar un respiro para el corazón a través de la escucha de paisajes sonoros grabados en un bosque mesófilo de la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, en México, y arrullos en lengua tu’un savi cantados por mujeres.
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En este programa de la serie “Yauitsin”, producida por Radio Tsinaka, en Puebla, México, conoceremos a Dariana de los Santos Aguilar, joven nahua de la comunidad de San Miguel Tzinacapan, quien, a su corta edad, ha asumido cargos comunitarios, lo que la ha llevado a ser un ejemplo para otras mujeres. Te invitamos a adentrarte en “las historias de mujeres que siguen floreciendo a través de la palabra que libera fuerza, esperanza y dignidad”.
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Martín Tonalmeyotl es un escritor, poeta y traductor nahua originario de Atzacoaloya, comunidad ubicada en Guerrero, México. En este programa de Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival rememora su infancia, así como reflexiona sobre su acercamiento a la literatura y la importancia de escribir en lenguas originarias; además, da lectura a sus poemas: “A la mar”, “Bajo la noche” y “Migrantes”. ¡Te invitamos a escucharlo!
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Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.
Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.
Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.
Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.
Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.