2067 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge
(617) 441-5400

Anuncios Informativos

 Esta producción en idioma Poqomam le brinda información relevante sobre los Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible conocidos de forma abreviada como ODS, consisten en 17 objetivos interdependientes establecidos por las Naciones Unidas, cada uno de los objetivo tiene una propia lista de metas a alcanzar.

Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, conocidos de forma abreviada como ODS, consisten en 17 objetivos interdependientes establecidos por las Naciones Unidas, cada uno de los objetivo tiene una propia lista de metas a alcanzar.

Las radios comunitarias han venido cumpliendo con un rol fundamental en la conservación y divulgación de la cultural, idioma, tradiciones, organización y alimentación a través de sus distintos programas radiales. Donde se involucran a jóvenes, niños y abuelos.

Según rtve indica que hasta la fecha existen más de 38,1 millones de casos y más de un millón de muertos en todo el mundo por Covid-19.

Esta crisis sanitaria ha afectado mayormente a los pueblos Indígenas en el tema de salud mental y emocional debido al encierro, falta de empleo, falta de recursos económicos etc.

UNESCO, Periodismo Internacional y Cultural Survival prepararon este programa para visibilizar la importancia y forma de sanación desde la mirada ancestral y occidental. Puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.

Corona Virus Public Service Announcement in Omaheke Ju'hoansi
Courtesy of African Tongue
For more please visit

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While we adhere to the precautionary measures that prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is important to strengthen the defenses in our body through responsible and healthy nourishment. Having a healthy immune system means that our bodies can fight the virus.
Within the community there are a great variety of foods that grow and are produced that can cover the needs of our families and of those elders who live alone.

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While we adhere to the precautionary measures that prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is important to strengthen the defenses in our body through responsible and healthy nourishment. Having a healthy immune system means that our bodies can fight the virus.
Within the community there are a great variety of foods that grow and are produced that can cover the needs of our families and of those elders who live alone.

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While we adhere to the precautionary measures that prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is important to strengthen the defenses in our body through responsible and healthy nourishment. Having a healthy immune system means that our bodies can fight the virus.
Within the community there are a great variety of foods that grow and are produced that can cover the needs of our families and of those elders who live alone.

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While we adhere to the precautionary measures that prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is important to strengthen the defenses in our body through responsible and healthy nourishment. Having a healthy immune system means that our bodies can fight the virus.
Within the community there are a great variety of foods that grow and are produced that can cover the needs of our families and of those elders who live alone.

This is a public service announcement about the coronavirus or Covid-19 disease outbreak.
While we adhere to the precautionary measures that prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it is important to strengthen the defenses in our body through responsible and healthy nourishment. Having a healthy immune system means that our bodies can fight the virus.
Within the community there are a great variety of foods that grow and are produced that can cover the needs of our families and of those elders who live alone.

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