El Coronavirus o Covid-19 a nivel mundial esta afectando la salud de los humanos. Los pueblos Indígenas ven la necesidad de estar informados sobre el tema en sus propios idiomas para proteger y prevenir el contagio de este virus.
En este programa puede encontrar más información en Idioma Jakalteko el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala
El Coronavirus o Covid-19 a nivel mundial esta afectando la salud de los humanos. Los pueblos Indígenas ven la necesidad de estar informados sobre el tema en sus propios idiomas para proteger y prevenir el contagio de este virus.
En este programa puede encontrar más información en Idioma Achi´ el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Urmila Gupta
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Alice Tipap
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Elamae Dennen Membrere
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Radio Sagada
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Shree Krishna Maharjan
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
According to the World Health Organization, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. Covid -19 is a type of coronavirus that now affects more than 162 countries out of 195.
This outbreak is serious! And in this program you can find more information and ways to prevent the spread. Listen, download and share for free.
Voices: Dina Christiaan
Image: Washing Hands
"Burn Your Village to the Ground" by A Tribe Called Red. Used with permission.
El Coronavirus o Covid-19 a nivel mundial esta afectando la salud de los humanos. Los pueblos Indígenas ven la necesidad de estar informados sobre el tema en sus propios idiomas para proteger y prevenir el contagio de este virus.
En este programa puede encontrar más información en Idioma P´urhépecha el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Esteban Cruz Rosas / México
Edición final:
Rosario Sul González / Cultural Survival
El Coronavirus o Covid-19 a nivel mundial esta afectando la salud de los humanos. Los pueblos Indígenas ven la necesidad de estar informados sobre el tema en sus propios idiomas para proteger y prevenir el contagio de este virus.
En este programa puede encontrar más información en Idioma Mazateco el cual puede escuchar, descargar y compartir de forma gratuita.
Juan Valentín Noriega / Sierra Negra / México
Edición final:
Rosario Sul González / Cultural Survival