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(617) 441-5400


Many Indigenous children were once cared for by their families and communities according to their cultural practices, laws, and traditions. It was the parents' responsibility to raise the children since children were seen as gifts from the creator. Families were closely involved in raising the child. Colonization, forced boarding schools, and State welfare systems have disrupted these important relationships. In this podcast, we hear from 20-year-old Dysin Spence (Peguis First Nation), who has spent a significant portion of his life in the welfare system in Canada.

In this podcast, Tristen Taylor & Nathalie Bertrams discuss the threatened cultures of the Danube Delta. The Danube River passes through Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, and Bratislava. As far as cultures go, much has been lost in the Delta. This podcast explores how culture and language can become entombed in the history books if diversity is not purposefully protected.
Produced by Tristen Taylor & Nathalie Bertrams
Permission to use all music in this podcast has been granted to the producers.

A proposed lithium mine at Peehee Mu’huh (Thacker Pass), Nevada, has attracted much attention. But those with the deepest ties to the land - descendants of those murdered at the Thacker Pass Massacre - have not been heard. In this podcast, we hear from Gary McKinney (Western Shoshone/ Northern Paiute) about the stuggles to protect sacred lands in the age of a lithium boom due to the transition to the "green" economy.

In 2019, a landmark agreement between traditional knowledge holders who are also small-scale farmers of Khoi and San descent, and the rooibos tea industry was reached.
This benefit-sharing agreement would see a small percentage of the profits made from rooibos and honeybush tea find its way to the hands of small-scale farmers.
On the commemoration of the international day of tea, we hear from National Khoi and San Council Chairman Cecil LeFleur, who will give us an update on how COVID-19 has affected the rolling out of the agreement.

Recently, in the area where Sami people live which includes part of Sweden, construction of huge turbines has been underway. 
In this podcast, we speak to Maja Kristine Jåma, who tells us how these new sources of energy have been impacting her people.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris
Interviewee: Maja Kristine JåmaMusic:  "LIBRES Y VIVAS"  by MARE ADVETENCIA,  used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

The Sámi have a long tradition of Salmon fishing. Recently, a high court in Finland ruled in favor of Salmon fishing as part of Sámi culture.
Aslat Holmberg from the Sámi Council tells us about the significance of the ruling. 

Produced by Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan)
Voice : Aslat Holmberg (Sámi)
Music: "LIBRES Y VIVAS" by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

The Sámi have a long tradition of salmon fishing. Recently, a high court in Finland ruled in favor of salmon fishing as part of Sámi culture. Aslat Holmberg from the Sámi Council tells us about the significance of the ruling. 

Produced by Shaldon Ferris (Khoisan)
Voice : Aslat Holmberg (Sámi)
Music: "LIBRES Y VIVAS" by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.

El Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU, es un evento que se realiza cada año con la participación de estados, organizaciones y representantes de Pueblos Indigenas para examinar durante 2 semanas cuestiones relacionadas al desarrollo económico y social, la cultura, la educación, la salud, el medio ambiente y los derechos humanos.

En su 21 periodo de sesiones El tema que se esta abordando es: “Pueblos Indígenas, empresas, autonomía y los principios de derechos humanos asociados a la diligencia debida, incluido el consentimiento libre, previo e informado”

Over the past 25 years, Richard A. Grounds (Yuchi), Ph.D., has worked with Yuchi Elders to create new Yuchi speakers and bring his language back into his community, as well as advocating for Indigenous Peoples' language rights globally. He is currently Chair of the Global Indigenous Languages Caucus and Executive Director of the Yuchi Language Project. An article by Dr. Grounds on Yuchi language revitalization in the face of intellectual colonialism appears in Indigenous Languages and the Promise of Archives, from the University of Nebraska Press.

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high-level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council.
The twenty-first session of the Permanent Forum is taking place from April 25th to May 6th, 2022, at UN Headquarters, New York.
In this interview, Cultural Survival's Director of Programs Avexnim Cojti (Maya Ki’che) speaks to Diphetogo Anita Lekgowa (San) from the Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) about Indigenous language revitalization efforts in Africa.

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