Pratima Gurung, is the Secretary General of the Indigenous Person with Disabilities Global Network (IPWDGN) and National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN). She believes that indigenous people with disabilities are affected disproportionately by climate change, but their voices are not being heard in the important negotiations that will shape our future. She thinks that there should be a formal recognition of their issues and dedicated constituencies within these discussions. By amplifying their voices, they can ensure effective solutions that protect the most vulnerable and empower everyone to thrive in a changing world.
Produced by Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
Interviewee: Pratima Gurung, (Gurung, Nepal)
"LIBRES Y VIVAS " by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.