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(617) 441-5400


We're witnessing the acceleration of the transition to a green, low carbon, and clean economy and the increase in demand for transition minerals such as nickel, lithium, cobalt, and copper. This skyrocketing demand is driving a wave of investment into new, expanded mining projects. These projects are promoted as "green" because they aim to supply minerals used for renewable energy technologies and electric vehicles.

This is the third episode of a series of five podcasts that aims to inform you all about the second World Conference of Indigenous Women, produced by Cultural Survival's Indigenous Rights Radio, and brought to you by FIMI.

In this 2nd episode, Cultural Survivals Diana Pastor relays what it was like to attend the conference. We also get to experience some of the ceremonies that were held. FIMI President Tarcila Rivera Zea talks about the theme 'Paths taken and our realities'.

This is the second episode of a series of five podcasts that aims to inform you all about the second World Conference of Indigenous Women, produced by Cultural Survival's Indigenous Rights Radio, and brought to you by FIMI.

This episode takes us back to 2013, and we explore the history of the First Global Conference of Indigenous Women, and why there was a need for a conference such as this. We go into the archives and hear voices from this First Conference and we also get a chance to hear from the president of FIMI, Tarcila Rivera Zea.

This is the first episode of a series of five podcasts that aims to inform you all about the second World Conference of Indigenous Women, produced by Cultural Survival's Indigenous Rights Radio, and brought to you by FIMI.

Indigenous women are the traditional keepers of Indigenous languages and cultures. During a three-day virtual conference organized by Cultural Survival, from October 5 - 7, 2021, titled, “Restoring and Protecting Our Native Languages and Landscapes”, over 30 Indigenous language practitioners and experts shared that Indigenous women have the greatest role in the revitalization and preservation of Indigenous languages.

In light of the upcoming United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Cultural Survival is held a 3-day virtual conference, "Restoring and Protecting Our Native Languages and Landscapes.” The purpose of this conference was to equip individuals working at the community level with tools and best practices for revitalizing and strengthening Indigenous languages and the Traditional Ecological Knowledge carried within them.
The conference was held from October 5th to October 7th, 2021.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris(Khoisan)

El acceso a una atención médica ginecológica de calidad y calidez es un derecho que tienen todas las mujeres, sin embargo existe un tipo de violencia en las salas de los centros de salud, hospitales públicos y privados de la que no se conoce mucho o no se hace visible y es la violencia obstétrica; esta es una forma específica de violencia ejercida por profesionales de la salud (predominantemente médicos y personal de enfermería) hacia las mujeres embarazadas, en labor de parto y el puerperio (Período de tiempo que dura la recuperación completa del aparato reproductor después del parto). 

Cada 12 de octubre, en muchos países de Abya Yala aún se sigue celebrando la invasión de sus territorios. Estas celebraciones, denominadas “el descubrimiento de América”, “el día de Colón”, “el encuentro entre dos mundos”, y un sinnúmero de expresiones, no representan lo que realmente pasó en 1942: despojo, muerte y destrucción.

Forum discussion on the right to Free, Prior, Informed Consent. Part of a series of 13 programs, produced by Shamantha Mani, K'taka Commnity Radio, India

Forum discussion on the right to Free, Prior, Informed Consent. Part of a series of 13 programs, produced by Shamantha Mani, K'taka Commnity Radio, India

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