Mirian Masaquiza Jerez a senior Social Affairs Officer for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations says that Indigenous Peoples are actively participating in COP28 and engaging with delegates and member states. Their efforts are crucial to achieving meaningful climate action that safeguards the planet and respects Indigenous rights.
Produced by Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Sunuwar)
Interviewee: Mirian Masaquiza Jerez (Quichua)
"LIBRES Y VIVAS " by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
In this radio program, Johnson Cerda discusses the Glasgow Climate Pact and how some elements of the pact such as adaptation, mitigation, and loss and damage are really important to Indigenous Peoples.
Produced by Shaldon Ferris(Khoisan)
Interviewee: Johnson Cerda (Kichwa)
Music: "LIBRES Y VIVAS by MARE ADVETENCIA, used with permission.
"Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
Desde las radios comunitarias se producen y trasmiten los conocimientos ancestrales. En este programa podemos conocer sobre la Parteria que aún se sigue practicando en una de las comunidad Indígenas de Ecuador. !Escuche, descargué y comparta!
Capturado por Cultural Survival
Esta es una producción de Radio Cotacachi y distribuido por Cultural Survival. Este programa es gratuito para escuchar, descargar y compartir.