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(617) 441-5400

Anuncios Informativos

Desde febrero del 2022, en Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival hemos distribuido en nuestros boletines mensuales producciones que forman parte de las series: “Descubro y aprendo”, “Aprendo de los frutos” y “¿Qué nos dicen?”, del proyecto “Pautas para pensar en mi lengua”, coordinado por Nenemi Paxia Sinergias Educativas A.C. y dirigido a niños y niñas hablantes de lenguas Indígenas.

Desde febrero del 2022, en Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival hemos distribuido en nuestros boletines mensuales producciones que forman parte de las series: “Descubro y aprendo”, “Aprendo de los frutos” y “¿Qué nos dicen?”, del proyecto “Pautas para pensar en mi lengua”, coordinado por Nenemi Paxia Sinergias Educativas A.C. y dirigido a niños y niñas hablantes de lenguas Indígenas.

Desde febrero del 2022, en Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival hemos distribuido en nuestros boletines mensuales producciones que forman parte de las series: “Descubro y aprendo”, “Aprendo de los frutos” y “¿Qué nos dicen?”, del proyecto “Pautas para pensar en mi lengua”, coordinado por Nenemi Paxia Sinergias Educativas A.C. y dirigido a niños y niñas hablantes de lenguas Indígenas.

Desde febrero del 2022, en Radio de Derechos Indígenas de Cultural Survival hemos distribuido en nuestros boletines mensuales producciones que forman parte de las series: “Descubro y aprendo”, “Aprendo de los frutos” y “¿Qué nos dicen?”, del proyecto “Pautas para pensar en mi lengua”, coordinado por Nenemi Paxia Sinergias Educativas A.C. y dirigido a niños y niñas hablantes de lenguas Indígenas.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

Fossil fuels and other conventional energy sources release many greenhouse gases that harm the environment. For this reason, there is global talk of the need for a transition towards the use of cleaner energy sources and the development of technologies such as battery storage systems, and other cleaner sources of energy. However, for the creation of these energy sources, so-called “transition minerals” are necessary, the extraction of which increases the danger of new displacements and the dispossession of territories from Indigenous Peoples.

La Escuela de Agricultura Ecológica U Yits Ka’an es un proceso educativo y liberador cuya sede se encuentra en Maní, Yucatán, México. Su objetivo es acompañar a familias campesinas mayas interesadas en la promoción de la agricultura ecológica como modo sostenible de vida, así como lograr que sean gestoras de cambios en sus comunidades a través de una agricultura más sana, ética y basada en relaciones de justicia. En este Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas te invitamos a conocer más sobre este proyecto a través de una entrevista con Iván Jiménez, su actual coordinador. 

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