Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn speaks about consumerism in the modern world and our responsibility to care for the earth, and gives advice about how we can enact chance for future generations.
Catherine Murupaenga-Ikenn speaks about Indigenous Peoples' power in numbers to fight back against companies trying to defy their rights and occupy their lands.
Lemoine LaPointe, a Lakota of South Dakota and Minnesota, speaks about community conversations and their importance in providing support for Indigenous Peoples and their relationship with the surrounding region both in the present and in the future. We met up with Lemoine at the UNPFII 2015.
Josh Cooper speaks about the importance of the Universal Periodic Review in securing Indigenous rights. Governments can propose recommendations on behalf on Indigenous Peoples in the Universal Periodic Review process.
Kealii Gora of Hawaii gives advice on how to get involved in advocating for Indigenous rights. Gora believes it is important to get Indigenous voices on the record and present concerns and perspectives in international arenas to make a change.
Christopher Kuaiwa of Hawaii speaks about the destruction of a sacred mountain in his community and wants to spread his message of advocacy for Indigenous Rights throughout the world. He also participated in an intervention and proposed recommendations in the Permanent Forum regarding the 30-meter telescope that is proposed to be built on the sacred mountain calling to halt construction and divest.
Josh Cooper speaks about climate change and its impact on Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Peoples are being impacted by climate change, specifically in Oceania, and Josh Cooper is working to create World Climate Justice Day to bring further awareness to the issue.
Cristina Coc, a Q'eqchi Maya woman of southern Belize, shares how Mayan groups in Belize have been fighting for their rights for over 30 years. After many meetings with the State, the Belize national court has acknowledged legal Indigenous rights to their land and affirmed that the government may not use, destruct, or occupy Indigenous land.
Chief Bellegarde speaks at UNFPII to bring to light the gap between Canada and its Indigenous Peoples in regard to the United Nations Human Development Index and the rights of indigenous peoples in Canada. Belgard works to close the gap between the wealth of Canada as a nation and Canada's indigenous peoples. He calls on Canada to respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples.