UNPFII - The Road To The International Year Of Indigenous Languages With Richard Grounds | Radio de Derechos Indígenas
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UNPFII - The Road To The International Year Of Indigenous Languages With Richard Grounds

The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is the UN’s central body dedicated to all matters relating to the rights of the approximately 370 million Indigenous Peoples around the World.
In 2019, The 18th session of the Forum in New York will highlight the year that has been declared the International Year of Indigenous Languages.
Cultural Survival's Avexnim Cojti spoke to Richard Grounds from the Yuchi Nation, who tells us how this commemoration came about.

Producer: Shaldon Ferris
Interviewer: Avexnim Cojti
Interviewee: Richard Grounds
Music : Whispers, by Ziibiwan, used with permission.

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