2067 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge
(617) 441-5400


The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.
The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.
प्रत्येक मानिसको खाद्य अधिकार हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा अहिले नौलो विषय रहेन । तर आदिवासी जनजातिहरुको खाद्य अधिकारको विषय निकै महत्वपुर्ण छ । साथै चाख लाग्दो पनि । यो अहिले नौलो र एकदमै वहसको विषय बनेको छ । यो भागमा आदिवासीहरुको खाद्य अधिकारको अभियानमा लाग्ने आदिवासीका विज्ञहरु भारतका नेसफास नामक संस्थाका अध्यक्ष, फ्राङ रोए (जुनसंस्थाले भारतमा सन् २०१५ सेप्टेम्वरमा ईन्डिनिजियस टेरेमाद्रे भव्य रुपले आयोजना गरेको थियो), अमेरिकी आदिवासी अधिकारकर्मी विनोना लाडुक, ईन्डोनेसियास्थित जभरा नामक संस्थाका संस्थापक हेल्मन नाजिव लगायत अन्य विज्ञहरुको आदिवासी जननजातिहरुको खाद्य अधिकारका विषयमा उहाँहरुको आवाज सुन्न
The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.
The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.
The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.
The idea of every human being’s ’right to food’ is nothing new these days, however, looking specifically at this idea in relation to Indigenous Peoples is an exciting and important movement that is gaining steam fast, and rightfully so. International conferences, under the title Indigenous Terra Madre, have been held across the globe first in Sweden in 2011 and then India to explore topics related to Indigenous food sovereignty and better spread the vast agricultural knowledge that has been passed down through Indigenous communities for generations.

Este programa, el que incluye información actual para marzo del 2016, trata sobre la construcción del Canal Interoceánico de Nicaragua, presentando entrevistas, investigación, y declaraciones de líderes Indígenas y sus aliados y del gobierno mismo, y análisis de éstos dentro del marco de derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas.

En noviembre del 2013, un equipo de Cultural Survival visitó a la comunidad de Nuevo Andoas en Loreto, Perú, para conocer la situación de grave contaminación medioambiental causado por la explotación petrolera en la región.

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